Salman Khan has launched the trailer for his upcoming Eid 2023 release, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, which promises to be an action-packed family entertainer. Salman Khan launched the trailer on April 10 and quickly became the talk of the town, as the beloved actor returns to the big screen with an action-packed family entertainer. Check out the Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan Trailer Review and check netizens’ reactions.
Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan Trailer Review:
The trailer opens with a glimpse of the romance between Pooja Hegde and Salman Khan, followed by family emotions, comedy, drama, music, and of course, action.
The film has everything one expects from a commercial Hindi film and rides on Salman Khan’s ability to excel in the multi-genre format.
The visuals are full of colors, making it a perfect Eidi for all families. Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan is directed by Farhad Samji and stars Salman Khan, Venkatesh Daggubati, Pooja Hegde, Jagapathi Babu, and others. The film is slated for an Eid 2023 release and will have a Zee Studios worldwide release.
Check how netizens are reacting to the trailer:
Salman Khan Is Back With The Bang 🔥
This Trailer and His Looks >>>>> #KisiKaBhaiKisiKiJaanTrailer
— KASH🚩 (@wtfkash_) April 10, 2023
After watching the trailer I'm hyped for this Song. The grandest and most colourful song of KBKJ album.🔥🔥#KisiKaBhaiKisiKiJaan #SalmanKhan
— MASS (@Freak4Salman) April 11, 2023
#KisiKaBhaiKisiKiJaanTrailer Is Perfect Mix Up Of Emotion , Action and Power Packed Dailogues . @BeingSalmanKhan Sabke Liye Bhaijaan Magar Bas #PoojaHegde Ki Jaan and For Villain He's Gunda . 21st April Come Soon. Bring It On 🔥 #SalmanKhan #KisiKaBhaiKisiKiJaan
— 🅰🅳🅰🆁🆂🅷 🕉 (@Adarsh__Radhe) April 11, 2023
Meanwhile, there are many trolls for this Salman Khan featured film’s trailer.
Romantic Angry
Expression in Expression in
front of Actress front of villain#KisiKaBhaiKisiKiJaanTrailer— 𝙯 (@iWorshipSRK) April 10, 2023
Expectations after the teaser & music videos of #KisiKaBhaiKisiKiJaan were so low that since the trailer was launched people are saying "ye to sahi hi lag rha hai"
People were so afraid that they are happy seeing something better than what they expected.
Well played Farhad Samji— AYAN AHMAD (@BEING_AYAN) April 11, 2023
#KisiKaBhaiKisiKiJaan opening will send SHOCKWAVE in industry . Mark this !
— CineHub (@Its_CineHub) April 11, 2023
If #Thor is made in indian cinema which star would look perfect
My choice: #SalmanKhan— Harminder 🍿🎬🏏 (@Harmindarboxoff) April 11, 2023
Overall, it seems that netizens have given mixed reactions to the Salman Khan starter Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan.
Lead Image: SKF
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