The trailer of probably the biggest Hindi film of this year, Prithviraj has dropped today. The film features Akshay Kumar in the title role, Manushi Chillar, Sanjay Dutt and Sonu Sood among others. The film is a YRF production. The director of the film is Dr Chandraprakash Dwivedi. The film also releases in Tamil and Telugu languages. The budget for the film is around Rs. 300 Crores! Meanwhile, the trailer is released today and Twitter users have given their verdict. Fans say it is one of the best historical movies while others are comparing it with Ranveer’s historical films! Check out the Prithviraj Trailer Twitter Review in this article.
Some leading portals have praised the film for its scale, story, BGM and performance of Akshay Kumar.
Entertainment journalist Aavishkar has also praised the film and said its technically well-made film.
Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar fans cannot stop praising the trailer.
One of the users Priyanka says the trailer is impressive and the film is really important for Bollywood to attract audiences to theatres!
Another user Nirali has also expressed her thoughts on the trailer. She says epic dialogues, larger than life shots, and powerhouse talent Akshay Kumar and Sonu Sood are all well presented in the #Prithviraj trailer.
Critic Sumit Kadel shares that Ranveer Singh has set the bar too high for historicals.
Meanwhile. some fans have compared it with Ajay Devgn’s Tanhaji.
While the trailer has received mixed responses due to various comparisons, here’s hoping the film will bring back the audiences in theatres to watch Bollywood movies. Also, trade is expecting it to do wonders in Box Office Collections!
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Lead Image Credit: Yash Raj Films
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